mercredi 7 mars 2012

Smaller than 10 animals in the world

The smallest dog in the world

The weight of the dog "Lucy" half a kilo and a length of 6 inches and a height of 5.7 inches, and abandoned by their owners and left her on the side of the road, but Tim has the heart of its owner's current adopted and taken to live in her dependents and says "Sally Leone" Our Lady of Good that it has adopted Lucy and happiness flooded her life

The smallest cat in the world

Length of 49 cm and a height of 15.5 cm and oozing a little less than a kg, there was Pebbles, who live in the state, "Illinois" for the title of U.S. smaller cat in the world

Smallest mouse in the world

Smallest snake in the world

There in the world about 3100 species of snake and so far scientists record species Leptotyphlops carlae smallest size snakes in the world with a length of about 10 cm only, and female hatch one egg in her life and hatch the egg snake length of 5 cm or 4 only

The smallest monkey in the world

his type of live monkeys in Ecuador and northern Peru and northern Bolivia, and only ranging in length from 14 to 16 cm and weighs about 120 grams

Smaller crocodile in the world

This orchid was discovered on the islands of the Caribbean does not exceed one inch in length which belong to the reptiles

Smaller fish in the world

The smallest frog in the world

Smaller than 10 animals in the world

Smaller than 10 animals in the world

small chameleon in the world

Sweeter words in love

Spoke whispering when you talk about love

Love the hell is cold. . Life without love paradise burning

May grow to become the love of friendship, but love does not retreat into friendship

Love the experience of living does not only suffer from the situation

Love is the king and therefore above the law

Love like the easy to trigger. . It is hard to die out

Love is the only game involving the two together and gain or lose together

Do not be sad

Do not be sad .. O my heart

If you feel ..
Homesickness among them ..
And unity in their presence ..
And lonely, despite their presence ..
Do not be sad, O my heart